Your summer tool kit for fabulous hair!

It’s holiday season, which means your hair needs to be in top condition to withstand all the pressures put upon it – sun, chlorine, products, styling tools and more. Summer can really take its toll and to keep our hair looking fabulous, we need to invest some time and focus on the right care routine. 

Your hair grows faster in the summer which means regular cuts are essential, ideally every 4,5 or 6 weeks, depending on your style. Make this a priority and get those appointments booked in, this will ensure you maintain your cut and condition. There are a number of fantastic products on the market, designed to keep you and your hair looking sensational this season and I have put together my key essentials here: 

Hair Jelly Supplements 

Sun Protector Spray/Spray on oil

Hair Conditioning Mask 

ID professional shampoo and conditioner 

Blow Dry Protection Spray 

Fact – In warmer weather, enhanced circulation to the skin boosts follicle activity and increases the rate of hair growth by 10 – 15% 

Stock up on these summer essentials, combined with your regular hair appointments and you have a winning formula for lustrous hair this season. There are a number of professional products sold in Salon and I can prescribe the most suitable products for your hair. 

I am always happy to offer individual consultations for any specific hair problems that you are having. Happy Summer…