Mastering Menopausal Hair for good!

I enjoyed a much needed catch up with my girlfriends recently over some cake therapy and a latte. I was surprised to see that one topic dominated our conversation.

“What’s happened to my luscious hair recently? Mine’s so dry and brittle! My hair is falling out in droves! I ‘ve never found it so hard to manage and style my hair.”

It was clear, we were all experiencing the same issues with our hair. So, what was the common denominator? We’re all in our forties, early fifties and we are approaching the dreaded menopause! This transition stage in our life can have a dramatic impact on our health and well-being and our crowning glory can be the first tell-tale sign!

So how does menopause affect our hair?

Our hormones are dramatically changing. Hormone imbalances and falling oestrogen levels can affect our hair growth. Hair growth slows down, strands gets thinner and our hair can become dry and brittle, falling out quicker. Throw in dandruff and scalp irritations too, all add up to a permanent bad hair day!

Typical symptoms include – Hair loss, hair thinning, brittle and dry, dandruff and scalp irritations as well as receding hair lines.

But don’t despair, there are things that we can do to minimise the damage and restore our hair to its former glory.

· Prioritise and keep your regular hair appointments

· Use professional shampoos and conditioners, appropriate for your hair type

· Eat healthily and drink more water

· Try a Hair Jelly protein supplement

· Treat your hair to regular nourishing conditioning treatment

· Adopt kinder colouring methods.

I was told recently by my GP to embrace this transitional stage of life. Not easily done when you are suffering crippling anxiety, poor sleep, hot flushes and aching joints!

Every day, I love helping real women transform and manage their hair. It’s amazing to see a woman’s confidence light up when she walks out of the salon with her hair cut and styled.

If you are struggling with any hair issues, book a free consultation in salon. Restore your hair to its crowning glory, I am here to help.